O Loving One, you cover all you have made with mercy and tenderness.
Gather Ian Veronica, Helen and all who love Freya in their loss.
Contain them in their heart break and anger and bear the questions that have no answers.
May they be blessed with your presence as Freya’s presence blesses.
May they be blessed with courage as Freya’s courage blesses.
May they be blessed with light even in their deepest darkness as Freya’s light blesses.
May they be blessed with hope as Freya’s dying taught us how to live
May they be blessed with compassion as Freya’s living taught us how to love
We thank you for their love that held Freya when she had so little strength
And may they trust the arms, greater still, that will hold them through every season
in the times to come.
May they know that in life and death,
in darkness and light,
in suffering and in joy,
love will never die.
Freya your life star will always shine bright
Your love will always be in full bloom
Your spirit more radiant than a meteor in the darkness
Your courage stronger than the mighty oak
The shortness of your years does not lessen your life in our hearts
Where the roots are long
And the fullness of your leaves is evergreen.
© Tess Ward