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Gathering Prayer

Source of all love, the oneness of all things

You are the silence at the heart of all that is.

You are in the stillness when the rains have gone

You are the ebb and flow of calm waters, you are the crashing waves of storm

You are the long dark night and you are the first light of dawn

You are the mystery at our beginning before a breath is drawn

You are the quiet at our endings when all is said and done

You are the sacredness of letting be when nothing more can come

You are the solitude after the cling of love’s embrace

And you are the risk of love that we must take, for all that we might lose,

And though the loss of Freya is unchosen and we have no strength of our own

Give us grace when the time is right,

to leave her in your care

and to let go into the peace

where life and death are one and only love remains. Amen.


© Tess Ward

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