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Kimi o Nosete by Joe Hisaishi from Legend of Laputa

Dear All,


I am writing from Japan, whose culture was among Freya’s many and various interests. My being half Japanese may even have had something to do with us hitting it off to begin with.


Her knowlege often put mine to shame, especially when it came to animated films. She was particularly fond of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, the creators of “Laputa – Castle in the Sky”, whose theme song I have recorded for her.


Freya probably would have teased me no end for not making it there today – she was certainly not unknown to chastise the incompetent, all in good humour of course. Then whenever I was doing well, she always expressed the warmest, sincerest gladness, and in this respect she was something of a mentor – teaching optimism, making the most of things, and having a Lovely Time.


Freya – I promise to bring you back some nice things. I’ll visit as soon as I get home.




Jake Gill


(Jake was in Kyoto and could not come back for the funeral. He went in to a recording studio on Monday, emailed us the finished track on Tuesday and we played it at the funeral on Wednesday).

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